Balance your training.
Balance your mind.

  • Lomi Lomi Massage & Bodywork Sessions

    Lomi Lomi Nui is a Hawaiian massage practice given primarily using the elbows and forearms. Rather than using force, the practitioner relies on gravity and bodyweight to deliver deep, yet fluid—and never painful—pressure. This allows the nervous system to determine the depth of the massage and the receiver to relax into greater release.

    The 90min option includes a full body, oiled massage to soothe and relax the muscles as well as both Thai and Lomi Lomi bodywork techniques for some deep stretching as well as hip, shoulder and spinal rotations.

  • Lomi & Thai Blended Bodywork Sessions

    Sometimes referred to as Thai Yoga Massage, Thai—as well as Lomi—Bodywork is akin to assisted yoga. These clothed sessions move receivers through deep stretches and rotations coupled with massaging pressure. With the muscles at length, the massage both increases the stretch and relaxes the nervous system, creating a safe and secure sensation for the nervous system to relate with these deep ranges of motion.

    Although clothed, those booking the bodywork option may choose to include (oiled) abdominal massage as well as facial massage with this option.

  • I have received many massages in my life, but this one was by far the best. Chase is highly skilled, knows the body structure, and has a great sense of touch.

    Client Testimonial

  • Lomi Lomi nuddið fór með mig í ferðalag um eigin innri heima og ég kom svífandi og vibrandi út úr nuddinu. Í gegnum nuddið fann ég vel fyrir hlýlegri og fagmannlegri nærveru Chase og myndi ég segja að hún hefði hjálpað mér að komast dýpra inn í eigin ferðalag of sleppa taki.

    Client Testimonial

  • You created an atmosphere of safety which was crucial for me. I feel different. Something shifted. I feel more feminine and connected with my body.

    Client Testimonial

  • Þetta er öðruvisi en allt sem ég hef prófað áður. Hann er mjög fagmannlegur og þægilegt að koma til hanns í virkilega notalegt umhverfi. Hef sjáldan verið jafn jarðtengdur og slakur eins og eftir þessar

    Client Testimonial

  • Spine opening back massage

    I had an awesome massage with Chase this morning after suffering from severe back pain for weeks. I felt unbelievable relief and comfort afterwards. Looking forward to my next appointment. Chase is a true professional and has a calming personality.

    Client Testimonial